A clear blue sky, 13 riders at Lilydale to start and 2 more to join at Jamieson. Bikes were mostly BMWs with also some Triumphs, a Honda and KTM. The easy ride to morning tea was out through the Black Spur, going right at Taggerty and stopping at Thornton for M/T. Brendan mentioned he may go a little further before turning back. Soon after we were turning right onto the Eildon-Jamieson Rd.
This road, for those who haven't ridden it, is 61 kilometres of almost constant corners and would be amongst the most challenging bits of bitumen in Victoria. Reefton is small compared to this. Small sticks were on the road in places and did get your attention as you were leaned over and the wheels moved. Not a problem really, just an attention getter. We came upon a small tree fallen across the road, easy for us to pass on the dirt, not so for a car. Just before Jamieson there is a good lookout spot viewing over the lake so we stopped for a few minutes using the opportunity to phone Pat and let him know we were nearby, meeting him and Wayne soon after. The road towards Mansfield and Buller opens out from here allowing more relaxed riding but still with enough corners and views to enjoy. At the entrance to Mt Buller we had a stop to get the group back together. Vinnie's bag had come open loosing some contents on the road. Fortunately this was spotted by another of our riders and contents returned. Also we had a late rider arrival on Jack's previous BMW 1200 GSA. He had been late for our start.
The Mt Buller road proper is a good upward winding road, mostly smooth and in good condition. Traffic was light. At the top facilities were open with a roomy Cafe and plenty of parking so we opted for lunch there. Temperature up top was a lovely 21 degrees while down at Mansfield level 34. Brendan was still with us. He was enjoying the roads so much he stayed. I think everyone else agreed with him.
Lunch over it was off to Mansfield for a fuel top-up for most of us. Mansfield to home was done by staying on the Melba through Bonnie Doon, Yarck and Yea. It was hot for the return and we were into Lilydale soon after 4.00pm.
Thanks to those who came making it an enjoyable and safe outing.
Great ride Andrew, the 9am start was a big success on the day !
Thanks Andrew it was a good ride on some great roads. I think everyone enjoyed it, I certainly did.